This time no article or no review but just a small news to share with the readers of my blog. Ishtihari is going to launch its official website soon. The web development process has been started and in next month you see see Ishtihari is taking a step further to come up as a proper website.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Ishtihari is taking a step further!
This time no article or no review but just a small news to share with the readers of my blog. Ishtihari is going to launch its official website soon. The web development process has been started and in next month you see see Ishtihari is taking a step further to come up as a proper website.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Telenor's Ali Zafar has switched to Jazz!

OK! I am not Philip Kotler neither I am some Marketing or Advertising Guru in the industry but today I saw something which as a student of branding and advertising, I could never imagined happened.
I woke up at 10.00 AM today and started calling my mom to give me breakfast because I have to leave early this morning. Even if I have to pass my time, I never read newspaper in the morning but there was something today that I could not stop myself opening the newspaper to see the Jazz latest advertisement. To my surprise, Ali Zafar who used to be brand ambassador of Telenor Talkshawk was appearing in Jazz latest advertisement. For a moment I thought what the hell he is doing in Mobilink’s ad and then for the second moment I thought “Are Jazz people crazy to hire a celebrity who has some strong associations with Telenor Talkshawk”. When people think of Telenor Talkshawk’s celebrity there are two people that come to our mind. First one is Annie and then Ali Zafar. I don’t know I am overreacting on this but this decision is one of the biggest blunders in Pakistani’s advertising history. In my opinion, it will deteriorate the Ali Zafar’s brand name but also it will not give any benefit to Jazz as well if they really think they have made a SMART move.
Imagine, Aamir khan is coming in Pepsi advertisement and Shahrukh Khan in Coke advertisement..Can you imagine? No you can’t because these two celebrities have made such strong associations with these Colas that no one can’t even imagine that they will go for switching. But there is a difference, Indian celebrities are smart, they know if they do such a mistake this will not only destroy their image but also the company’s image. Our celebrities have shown once again that they don’t care for their brand image and all they care about is money only. Telenor Talkshawk will be the least possible victim from this new campaign even if Ali Zafar has switched to Jazz. I would simple say to Mobilink and Ali Zafar “Not a smart move!”
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